Showing posts with label Picea orientalis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picea orientalis. Show all posts

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tom Thumb - Keeping it in its Pot

We acquired a handful (literally) of these wonderful spruce (Picea orientalis 'Tom Thumb') after much begging of the grower (Iseli Nursery in Portland Oregon). We had admired their bright gold year round foliage and very, very small size. The plants arrived at our nursery and were a mere 4" to 5" tall and about 8" wide and came with a hefty price tag.
The original group sold or promptly expired and we were heart broken. Nevertheless, we tried again and were able to sustain and even have one prosper in our garden. This time, and we believe this is the secret with this plant, we have kept it growing in its original soil and plastic pot yet embedded it in a more decorative container. We know that one day we'll have to transfer it to a larger pot allowing it to grow outside its original boundaries and we worry about that. One of our customers and fellow conifer enthusiasts, however, has his growing in the native soil and swears by it. So, there may be hope down the road when we get the courage up!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Conifers in the Landscape - Duluth, GA

This is a recent garden we have assisted in planning and implementing -- almost completely in conifers. The "pod" is an eye catcher from the street.
Some of our favorite conifers included in this installation are:

Golden Staghorn Cedar (Thujopsis dolobrata aurea) pictured at the right of the pod in its "shrub" stage. This plant will send up a leader and develop into a 10 to 15 foot high conical shaped evergreen. With the golden color it will light the space up.

Skylands Spruce (Picea orientalis 'Skylands') is also in the landscape and adds another golden glow throughout the seasons.